A church in Mizoram has announced cash incentives for couples who have more than three babies. The Lunglei Bazar Veng Baptist Church said it will grant Rs 4,000 for the fourth baby, Rs 5000 for the fifth and so on.
The church secretary has confirmed that the church has decided not to fix maximum limit on the number babies per couple. Adding to it, he said, the more babies are born, the more cash reward will be granted.
The new development in the church's policy has come out to tackle the low birth rate among the dominant Mizo tribe and the predominantly Christian state. According to the recent census, 87 per cent of Mizos are Christians in various denominations, predominantly Presbyterian.
"We encourage more children," said Lalramleina Pachuau, senior executive member of the Mizoram Synod of Presbyterian Church of India.
"The population of Mizos is dwindling, and we encourage couples to have more children," he added, according to Indian Express.
He said the low birth rate is adding to the increasing concern of low population of Mizos.
However, Presbyterian Church has decided not to grant any cash incentives, he added.