A letter from your Father

(Photo: Unsplash/Kate Macate)

My child,

My words are true, you can trust me. Even if you don't know if you can trust the words of those around you, you can trust me. I will protect your heart; you will find wholeness in me. I am your home.

I am as far away and as close next to you as you need me to be. Open your eyes and heart to see me beaming through nature. Touch the smooth golden carpet of sand as I fill up my bucket to water the hilltop trees. Can you feel my breath exhaling in the wind and see the rainbow painted as my tears drip down? I am who I say I am.

Do you know me?

I know your needs and desires; I will answer and provide. You are seeking truth, so seek me. Remember, I am the way and the truth and the life. Your deepest longing is me.

I can see that despite all the times you wander away or deliberately sin to hurt yourself and me, you want the simplicity of life that nothing - no money or possessions can tempt you away. I know you want to worship me with everything you have.

You may be small in size, but that should not stop you from achieving. You may also feel small and want to hide, but don't be disempowered by your false thoughts. I see much more in you than you can ever imagine, and I have created you for more.

I will teach you how to be influential in your worship of me and show you how to be ever so generous in love towards all your relationships. You will be powerful as you conduct yourself according to my ways. People will see how great and mighty I am in you. Wisdom comes from me and starts by choosing me always.

Just like Queen Hadassah, you are not created to be silent. I did not place you where you are to save your own life whilst observing the suffering of others. I need you to use words and speak up! Please come and know me first, so you will know what is right. Then seek to understand and empathise with those around you.

I have given words to men and women in the past, and I promise to continue to do the same for you. Do this for me; and do this for the vulnerable, the hurting and those suffering who cannot speak their pain.

Be of noble character, enthusiastic and hardworking. You will sacrifice everything for others. I have gifted you with a multitude of skills, passions, and talents. And as you learn what these things are, pursue them for me. You will bring good, life, and health to the communities you live in. You are destined to be my light to shine beautifully and brightly. All these things are in your name.

Above all, fear me and trust all that I am. Trust what I have planned and purposed for you. I will clothe you with strength and dignity; you will wear a crown of wisdom. You may not immediately reap the rewards as you follow this path. But I promise you I see and remember everything. I have something for you - just wait.

Your loving and gracious Father

This letter is based on Proverbs chapter 30 and 31.

Republished from Christian Today UK.