Dozens of Christians killed in Democratic Republic of Congo - Open Doors

A burial following one of the devastating attacks on Christians in recent weeks. (Photo: Open Doors)

At least 80 Christians have been killed in a wave of attacks in the Democratic Republic Congo, according to Open Doors. 

The attacks happened across villages in North Kivu between 4 and 8 June. Over 50 Christians were killed on 7 June alone, and homes were burnt to the ground.

Some people are still missing after the attacks, which have been blamed on the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), a group that has ties to the so-called Islamic State, Open Doors reports. 

Locals are asking Christians worldwide to pray for them in the midst of persecution. 

"Really, it is prayer, nothing but prayer," says Pastor Kambale Aristote from CECA20 church.

"We have understood that the objective of the ADF is to convert everyone into a Muslim and this is a persecution of a great level. We ask all Christians to continue to intercede for us."

He is also asking for prayer for Pastor Paluku Katahiindwa Claude and his wife, Katungu Vyahasa Esther, who have not been seen since they went to their farm on 15 May. 

"Let us unite our prayers together, that God will bring the pastoral couple back to peace," says Pastor Kakule.

"Our prayer is that God will bring the pastor back with his wife, being at peace and alive so that we can continue the Lord's work.

"Again, our request is that all Christians in the world hold hands while praying together with us. May peace return to our communities. Let us pray that the servant of God will be free and may we be rejoicing when we see him being with us."

Open Doors' spokesperson for sub-Saharan Africa, Jo Newhouse, said Christian communities were being attacked by the ADF at a "horrifying" rate.

"Christians are forced to flee and some churches in the affected villages have closed because of the latest attacks," said Newhouse.

"These unabated attacks come at a time when Christian farmers were preparing for harvest. The impact is that many families are without means to feed their families, and the unprepared displacement has put pressure on the livelihood of Christian families now on the move to unknown destinations.

"We call on the international community to do everything in its power to ensure the government of DRC faithfully and transparently protects all affected communities and that the displaced receive the support they need in these circumstances."

Republished from Christian Today UK.