Eucharist Is A ‘Love Bomb’ that Changes the World, Says Mumbai Bishop

Mumbai – The Eucharist is like a ‘love bomb’ that can change the world, said Rev. Bosco Penha, Auxiliary Bishop of Mumbai, during a theological symposium on the ‘Eucharist: Life of the New Millennium’ held in the city of Mumbai that ended in a Eucharistic Celebration on the grounds of the Shrine of Don Bosco Church.

Opening the event, Cardinal Ivan Dias, Archbishop of Mumbai, stressed the importance of the Eucharist and its attractiveness to non–Catholics. “In America,” he said, “many Protestants are converting to Catholicism because of it”.

In his presentation, Bishop Penha said it was important “that on Sundays Jesus not be left in the Church”. We must make sure that He is with us every day, that we spread His word like it was a “love bomb”. He added that the love the Eucharistic mystery carries could be used against the materialism and individualism that are so pervasive in today’s society.

The list of participants also included Rev. Pedro Lopez Quintana, Apostolic Nuncio for India and Nepal.

“In the Eucharist,” the Nuncio said, “we give thanks to the Father who sent His Son to die for us and whose Resurrection won for us Redemption”.

Rev. Quintana further encouraged those present to keep in mind the importance of the Eucharist “lest we be distracted by secondary things”.